About Third Eye Designs

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, Jenny Nguyen developed a love and curiosity for art at a very young age. Starting off by establishing her skills in illustration, she soon ventured off to find the next challenge. Eventually, she became adept in painting, ceramics, woodwork, plasterwork, metalwork, and any other medium she could get her hands on before circling back around to illustration - her first love.

Jenny's artwork is a product of her meticulous and detail-oriented nature in combination with her appreciation for the mystical, unknown, and enigmatic. The majority of her work is created on stained paper (that imitates parchment) she hand-makes herself to further control her set vision of her artwork as well as to further infuse her passion into her craft.

Third Eye Designs was formed as a reflection of the Buddhist philosophy of enlightenment and opening one's third eye. The idea is to reach a higher understanding of life and being content with your purpose.

To ensure the high quality standards Jenny set for Third Eye Designs, every restock will be limited in quantity. Each order is packaged, sealed and comes with a handwritten note from the artist herself. These quality standards is the reason she refuses to mass-produce her work which will end up diluting her vision.

Jenny gathers inspiration from Greek mythology, classic artwork from the Romanticism era, and the Harry Potter series.

As you browse through her portfolio - reflect, absorb, and enjoy!